This article explains a range of the different approaches to Beat a Polygraph Test.
Beat a Polygraph Exam
Polygraph examinations are not an exact science. Instead, they rely on the examiner
establishing a baseline, understanding how you are when you tell the truth, and how you are
when you are lying.
If you are able manipulate how your body reacts to the examiners real and control
questions, you will beat the polygraph examiner!
Steps to Beat the Polygraph Exam
There are many reasons why you may be asked to take a polygraph or lie detector exam.
Polygraph exams are a source of tremendous stress and anxiety, especially for people that
have nothing to hide and are telling the truth. Polygraph examinations are interrogations
and it is very common for innocent people to fail them. Consequently, relationships can fail,
you can be wrongly accused of a crime, or denied employment.
Luckily, we have detailed a couple of methods of beating the polygraph.
Types of Polygraph Questions
Firstly, you need to identify the different types of questions an examiner will ask. In a
standard polygraph exam, there are 3 types of questions, relevant, irrelevant and control.
Examples of irrelevant questions (i.e. those with obvious answers) are “How old are you?”, “Is
that wall blue?” and “Are we in London?”.
Relevant questions are the reason you are taking the test, for example, “Have you cheated
on your partner”, “Have you been faithful to Mary”, or “Did you leak information to our
Finally, control questions are asked so that the examiner can compare your reactions to the
Relevant Questions. For example, the examiner may ask “Have you ever lied to get out of
trouble?” or “Have you ever stolen change from your parents?”
Research Polygraph Exams
Make sure you read all there is to know about polygraph exams before taking it. There are
many guides, websites and YouTube videos explaining how an exam works.
The important thing however is to conceal your knowledge of the Polygraph. During the
pre-test interview, the examiner may ask you if you have taken an exam before, if you have
researched them, or if you know what to expect. Always say no”. Do not disclose the
extensive research you have conducts (as he will immediately think you are trying to trick
him and therefore must be untruthful). Act as though you don’t know much about
polygraph examinations, but that you believe that they are a science and therefore reliable.
Control the Control Questions
Think of something upsetting or mentally stressful when answering all control questions
(explained above). If you manage to artificially worry yourself when answering the control
questions, you can modify the results of your test so that your “normal” responses appear
the same as the responses that actually worry you. This will help change your blood pressure
and heart rate to a level that’s similar to that which occurs during actual stressful situations –
like answering a revealing question.
Need Help to Cheat a Polygraph Exam?
If you need help to cheat a polygraph exam, you have come to the right place. Our team
have been active in the international polygraph for years, mentoring and guiding people
through polygraph examinations. We have helped save countless marriages and
relationships from crumbling because of 1 silly mistake that happened “years ago”.
Our team have coached nervous people to beat the polygraph, often when they are telling
the truth. Polygraph exams are stressful experiences. The examiners duty is to stress you to
the point of breaking, measuring every body response in reaction to his questions.
Although companies state that nerves don’t affect polygraph results, they do. Your nerves
affect your bodily responses, the very thing the examiner is measuring when asking the
control and specific questions. If you get nervous at the wrong moment, the examiner will
immediately assume you are being truthful / telling lies when you are not.
Sound familiar? Get in touch with a member of our team today