Fake Lie Detector Test specialises in producing realistic, Fake Polygraph Test Certificates. We
are fortunate that there are no laws or regulations against the Fake Polygraph reports our
company produce. It is a little-known fact that there are no official qualifications or
certifications required to become a Polygraph Examiner. Because of this, our company is
able to operate, producing Fake Polygraph Examiner Reports.
Fake Lie Detector Test do not portray or state that they are part of one of the many
American or European Polygraph Associations. The reports we produce are authentic and
supported by a real polygraph company. Due to client confidentiality, we are unable to
disclose exactly what our Polygraph Results look like, or detail the exact elements that make
up our Polygraph Results.
Polygraph Results vary widely from company to company, examiner to examiner. Our
company, Fake Lie Detector Test, have combined the Polygraph Results from companies
across the globe, in an effort to make our certificates as realistic as possible.